Landscaping the North lawn.

Landscaping a new lawn was the big fall project. I was never to interested in having a large lawn but as time went by, the idea of guests arriving, a play area for volleyball or for kids to run around and who knows, maybe even someday a large tent party, a large lawn was needed. Most of the little town I have created is surrounded by ferns which I love and protect. The ferns don’t like being walked on or driven over too much. They will have a trampled look and will not bounce back till the next year.  On the North side of the property is a slice of meadow with no ferns or trees. This was the perfect spot for a lawn but it needed to be excavated to make it level.

Topsoil on right. Clay deposited East. With my backhoe I stripped off the topsoil into a big  pile. I then dug out the remaining clay up to three feet along the property line blending the excavation  level with the existing grass lawn. I deposited the clay up-hill to create a leveled off vista east of the lawn.

Start of the rock wall.

Along the 3′ deep excavated property line I built a rock wall. Rocks of which I collected from around the property. I split some of the larger rocks with a chisel and hammer which makes them easier to deal with and nicer look.

Find a nice seam in a rock to split it.

Rounder rocks are harder to stack. Like a puzzle!

I shoveled in gravel behind the rocks as I placed them to allow for good drainage and add stability from frost heave. The only problem I encountered was in my rush to complete the excavation I dug to deep on one end and created a nice low spot to collect the rainwater that inevitable comes in the fall hurricane season. I had to pump it out several times with a sump pump any time I wanted to work in the muddy mess. Some of it was just too muddy and I had to leave it alone gradually filling it as dryer weather allowed. I had hoped to get it seeded and grass growing before the freezing weather started but that was not to be. I am just glad I got the rock wall almost completely built and the topsoil spread. Now the the soil will consolidate over the winter and firm up nicely so I can give it a final grade with my machine in the spring and plant grass.

November 2010 situation.

The garage with siding almost finished. Fall 2010.

The garage siding is 95% done and I am very happy with the results. I still plan on putting a coopala on the top of the garage but that will again be put off till next year. The road down to the river I started last summer has been put on hold till next year.  Soon the weather will force me back inside.

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